I was really bad at taking pictures, since there was so much going on but thankfully my brother got some good ones so here's some of my favorite photos.
Day one, after waiting a few hours in different lines to get in, the first place I headed was to the grasshut booth! It was really great meeting Bwana and Le Merde, I'm a big fan them so it was great talking about their work.
Lots of Merde!
Wish I picked these guys up, all of Mike's vinyl customs sold
Martin's customs
Sunday Arbito and Le Merde released these resin cars
Gargamel customs
New Dethra looked great.
Zag head custom
Picked up David Choe's new book.
Jackie and her man
Pumped for day 2 haha
Early Friday Mark Nagata from Max Toy Co. was showing at Rotofugi. Mark was a super nice guy, I ended up buying a custom Tripus. These things looked amazing.
My first look at Paul Kaiju's Boss Carrion figure.
We sat in this patch of grass at least once a day. Here we saw David Choe walk by, we just stared at him instead of being nice and saying "Hi"
Burger Buns and I being nervous.
Zombie Burger Buns
Mini Sean putting on a concert in the grass.
Normal comic con stuff.
Normal comic con stuff.
Normal comic con stuff.
great food deals.
Also got to meet long time online friends and ultimate resin duo MonstreHero. They showcased at the Onell crossover booth Friday and Saturday.
Monstre Head
Cliff and Sean brought a ton of awesome work. The Onell booth was a huge hit, and was definitely my favorite booth at SDCC
By Saturday i was a little worn out by all the SDCC madness, but I woke up early one more time to catch Paul's release of his first vinyl figure Boss Carrion. Ended up hitting the ATM so I could purchase one of these guys. I picked up a standard release but this photo shows some of his amazing hand paints. Complete with magnetic baby!
Here is my expensive haul from SDCC. It was worth every penny. I'd like to Thank Lamour for meeting up with me and selling me that bootleg before his signing. It was a big want of mine and it looks amazing. He was also a really nice guy and even showed me an awesome new project he's working on. Also a big thanks to John Spanky Stokes and Cliff & Sean. Thanks for being so nice to me and introducing me to some other people. You guys definitely made my trip to Comic Con worth it.
Also a big thanks to my girlfriend Jackie, although i didn't MAKE her come she decided she wanted to with me. She never really understands why I collect and spend so much money but she also had a blast and put up with all the madness with me. She even said she wants to go next year!
Ugly Doll love
"please get me out of here"
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