The old people candy...that I love oh so much
some doodles cut from note books
Where dreams come true
Inspiration...These signs are suppose to be references for a painting for school.
My food supply for the next 3 weeks of school. I think I ate the raviolis since this photo.
Wed. night Rotofugi posted that Alex Pardee and Dave Correia would be at the shop trading sketches. I was really excited for this event!
So I took my doodles and made a few more quick ink drawings...
And made these doodle packs for them!
The line was pretty long for the signing..I actually didn't even get to trade sketches, I was suppose to be in class and Kirby was nice enough to let me cut the line to give them my drawings and snap this photo. It was still nice to meet them for a second. The project is really cool, you should check it out HERE, and buy some raffle tickets for a chance to have Dave and Alex paint in your house just like THIS...
I came home to this CD this weekend. I ordered it from CDbaby which is the weirdest site ever if any of you have used it. But DJ FUNK is hands down my favorite person from Chicago...I have to support him and the chi town juke.
If you have never heard Dj Funk..this image pretty much sums it up.
Movin out!
Kevin was moving out this weekend, we both have lived in the same house our whole lives...I guess we have to grow up eventually and he moved out officially. I will miss him a ton especially since I am moving back in a few weeks. But I figured I would make him some toys as a house warming gift. As a toy artist those closest to you seem to receive them last. I am always too busy with my work to make some for my friends and family but I figured it was the least I could do to say good luck!
This might be my favorite paint job to date. Tiny Sam T shirt. I think I might retire Sam...his mold is awful it's really hard to cast him, but every time I'm painting him I have fun probably cause it's really hard to make it look nice so he always comes out looking all fucked up.
Special double pack for a good brother.
The new bachelor pad?
Kev opening his new III figures.

Toy issues
Ballin. Good Luck Kev...I'll miss you.
Blarrgh I got my Mishka bootleg in the mail last week..this guy was the last of my money but I couldn't pass him up.

Now someone just buy me these "ugly" toys please.)
photos stolen from flickr...thanks guys
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