Went to Rotofugi this weekend for the Hello Brute and Apak show. There was a lot of great work and I got to meet and chat with both artists (well all three). Even got to get my nerdy resin chat on with Jon. (it was great meeting you!)
Here are some photos of the show, Sorry they aren't very good. I dunno what I was thinking, I must have just been so excited by everything going on, or too tired from walking around the city all day.
Heres some photos of
Apak's work...


Wish I could have took one of these home..they are great.

oh so tiny.

mini eco systems

Jackie and I took this one home :) Art is affordable when you split it with your lover.

mounted prints
Two great shows in one!
And here's some photos of Jon's work.
senior portraits
I was really excited to see Jon's new resins, but his paintings were really great. I couldn't stop looking at them. I guess I need to start saving up.
Boy Toys
I realized I only took close ups of Pepper..He's defiantly my favorite, I love this character, His sculpt and plush are great!
Jackie had a great night! As did I. Thanks Rotofugi, Jon and APAK!
Other stuff...
my desk at school, check out my fancy phone charger.

I got my Hujili in the mail...one of my new favorites he's a giant, and loves the out doors.

I took this hello brute print home, print #1/100 woo!
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