Dec. 26th
Jackie and I went to the Melting Pot since we had some extra cash. This is defiantly are restaurant of choice. These pictures are pretty bad and embarressing but she wanted me to post them so enjoy.
My lovely date.
Some freak.
Jackie lettin' loose.
Jackie and I got the "Big Night Out" it's like a 4 course meal and way to much food. Here's round one. Cheese with bread veggies and apples?

"please stop taking photos of me"

Magic Sauce. taste good on everything!
Meat Platter


I take Jackie to a nice restaurant and all she thinks about is the taco bell she can see in the distance...figures.
Too much food!

"I love romantic comedies."
ahaha oh well a least we had fun!
Revenge for snapping so many pictures of my all the time.
After dinner we went back to my house to rest our stomachs.
Kev picked up this whole set of figures at the mall. Got them all for 10 bucks each. What a steal
We finished off our night watching Beautiful Losers. It was a great film, made me so happy and sad at the same time and reminded me why I do what I do.
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